2003 ESRI Worldwide – Partner of the Year
ESRI Inc. recognises partners with specialised knowledge and expertise who have teamed with Esri on projects during the year and brought Esri into new markets.

2003 ESRI International – Special Achievement in GIS
Awarded to organisations that use GIS to improve our world. By embracing geographic information systems (GIS) technology, Digimap Ltd was recognised to have used GIS to set new precedents throughout the GIS community.

2006 ESRI Worldwide – Foundation Partner of the Year
Recognises partners that through hard work and dedication have consistently built a very strong, dependable relationship with Esri. These partners are one of the foundation blocks that Esri’s strong Business Partner Program is built upon.

2010 ESRI UK – Innovation in Local Government
ESRI UK recognised innovative use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) at their inaugural GIS Innovation Awards. Digimap Ltd was announced as winners for their use of GIS to radically change the way property in Guernsey and Alderney is measured and grouped for tax purposes, saving time and resources.

2010 Association for Geographic Information – Innovation & Best Practice (Central Government)
The AGI’s Annual Awards reflect the importance placed on current best practice and innovative uses of geographical information across all sectors, be they commercial or public. The award encourages best practice and the implementation of pioneering applications of GIS and was awarded for the States of Guernsey’s innovative ‘Tax on Real Property’ system.

2010 ESRI UK – Visionary Thinking Award
Esri UK’s award for the highly innovative ‘Tax on Real Property’ system. GIS technology has played a major part in the development of the new system for measuring and rating properties for the purpose of property taxation on the Islands of Guernsey and Alderney.

2013 Association for Geographic Information – Innovation & Best Practice (Central Government)