Digimap CAF API
AddressField Enumeration
An enumeration used to specify how the Search(String, AddressField, String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, AddressOrdering, Boolean, String, Nullable<(Of <<'(Int32>)>>), Nullable<(Of <<'(Int32>)>>)) call behaves
Declaration Syntax
public enum AddressField
PostCode Search only on postcode. Generally used for address searches in public-facing web sites.
GlobalSearch Search on the full text of the address - the most commonly used search for internal systems.
GlobalSearchAliases Search on the full text of the addresses including road name aliases. Aliases are provided by the AVU for some roads where there are very commonly used alternatives to the official road name (e.g. French and English alternatives). Using this search field includes those aliases.

Assembly: CAF (Module: CAF) Version: (