Old Gsy Tobacco Factory, La Ramee, Guernsey, Channel Islands Current Weather Conditions
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Updated Automatically by Ambient Weather's Virtual Weather Station
at 10:06am on 7/11/11 Temperature |
12.0°C |
Point Humidity |
10.1°C 88% |
Barometer | 1018.76mb Rate -0.485mb/hr |
Wind Wind Direction Beaufort Scale |
mph SE Calm |
Beaufort Scale information | Force
0: calm 01mph Force 1: light 13mph Force 2: light breeze 47mph Force 3: gentle breeze 812mph Force 4: moderate breeze 1318mph Force 5: fresh breeze 1924mph Force 6: strong breeze 2531mph Force 7: near gale 3238mph Force 8: gale 3946mph Force 9: strong gale 4754mph Force 10: storm 5563mph Force 11: violent storm 6473mph Force 12: hurricane above 74mph |
Heat Index | 15.0°C | ||||||||||||||||||||
Rainfall for Today | 0.00mm | ||||||||||||||||||||
Total Rainfall | 458.00mm | ||||||||||||||||||||
Today's Extremes | |||||||||||||||||||||
High Temperature | 12.0°C at 10:04am | ||||||||||||||||||||
Low Temperature | 11.3°C at 12:35am | ||||||||||||||||||||
High Heat Index | 15.0°C at 10:04am | ||||||||||||||||||||
Peak Wind Gust | 19mph at 12:00am | ||||||||||||||||||||
Data View the Full Star Chart! |
Sunrise | 7:09am | ||||||||||||||||||||
Sunset | 4:40pm | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moonrise | 2:55pm | ||||||||||||||||||||
Moonset | 3:43am | ||||||||||||||||||||
Updated Automatically by Ambient
Virtual Weather Station V14.01
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