Alderney Harbour is a great place to visit. Whether on a day trip from Guernsey or en route from England to Guernsey, Jersey or France, Alderney will provide a great welcome.
70 yellow buoys for visitors await your arrival. There are no pontoons, no walk ashore or places to drop off passengers, but a very helpful water taxi will collect you and take you back to your boat. There is no easy-to-access fuelling available.
Many visitors sleep on their boats, securely tied to the visitor’s buoys, although strong winds, especially from the North East can make an uncomfortable night.
Please call the Harbourmasters office on tel 820070 first to let them know you are coming.
The water taxi is operated by the harbourmaster’s office and is available on request. Moorings are £20 a night and the water taxi is £1.50 a person.
Access to vessels moored in Braye Harbour
Boat owners requiring access to their vessels must pre-book the water taxi by contacting the driver or the Harbour Office via one of the below methods:
Text or call the Water Taxi Driver on 07781 121 046 VHF channel 73
This is a good, strategic place to stop off.

Amazing panorama of Braye Harbour – picture by Chickenofbristol
Pilot Guide
There are some 70 yellow buoys for visitors which provide a good, secure mooring. If the wind is from the north-west to East – beware of the waves over the breakwater and possible roll in the harbour!
Take a look at the following websites and respective pages and
Digimap video entering Alderney Harbour –
Alderney Tides
Alderney tides are around 20 to 40mins after HW Guernsey and Jersey
Please note it includes:
Swinge (between Alderney and Burhou)
Dangerous overfalls develop on flood and ebb tides, in particular when the wind is against tide conditions.
Keep to the south side – the calmest area is close to Corbet Rock.
Always navigate the Swinge at the slack water which is +2½ hrs HW or LW Alderney.
The tide is at full flow at HW and LW. Beware of wind against tide.
Race (between Alderney and France)
Going south through the Race, best to be at the top at 4½ or 5 hours AFTER HW Guernsey. This is relatively slack but starting to go south. Essential if there is an SW wind which causes the overfalls. If leaving Cherbourg, the tide turns westward early providing you keep inshore.
Going north – there is relatively slack water about 2½ hours before HW with the tide starting to go northeast soon after. If going to Cherbourg, stand off the Cap for the best tide. Nearly always roughish off the Cap no matter what the wind is doing!
For a power boat, I would leave SPP just before half- tide up to reach the Race soon after the stream is going NE. Trouble is, most boats can only get out of the QEII at half –tide up and that usually has to do!
If you are leaving Cherbourg, you can leave early – at say 3 hours AFTER HW Guernsey – since the tide turns to the west early if you keep inshore and this gets you to the Race at slack water. Omonville is a good spot to wait for slack water if you are too early.
Many thanks to John Frankland for the above information. Do look out for his amazing books on Guernsey, Herm and Sark.
Radio Channels
VHF Channel 16 and 74
The Water Taxi is on VHF channel 73
Moorings on the yellow buoys are £20 a boat per day.
You can drop people ashore in the inner harbour (HW +/- 2hrs), at the dinghy pontoon (if you have a small boat and there is room) beware of rocks and ropes, or on the commercial quay if you have the agreement of the harbourmaster’s office.
Mainbrayce have a great webcam which sweeps the whole of the harbour and can be found on
Harbour Office
Tel 822620 or 820070, Fax 823699
E-mail –
Very good at responding and speak very good English!
Tide tables…
Tourism web site
Spring / Summer Puffin Cam –…
Mainbrayce webcam –
Travel Guide………
Government website
Places to eat (and drink in Alderney!)
Places to stay
Restaurant –…