About 4 miles upstream from Arzal, La Roche Bernard (often referred to as LRB) is another Sagemor marina situated in a bend of the river and almost underneath a high-level road bridge. Split into two parts – the old (original) Vieux port and the much larger newer berthing pontoons along the southern bank of the river. For the size of the marina there surprisingly few facilities except for a range of cafes, brasseries, and restaurants along the waterfront. However, one is rewarded after a 15-minute uphill walk into the very old and well-preserved town of LRB. Here there an ample supply of food shops and good restaurants from which to choose. There is even a M. Briciolage (read B and Q!).
Nick Fletcher kindly provided the above report
From open water, up the river, through the lock and on, took almost 3 hours, but I am puzzled how!
I would guess if the lock is going to be open then there is enough water in the river, but the first mile is quite shallow on first lock-in. In fact, at that time, the lower river is a channel up through an expanse of shallow mudbanks, but I dare say prettier in full tide. Assume mussel beds everywhere.
The lock can indeed be busy and switch to VHF 11 as the lock keeper is fairly authoritative! It is a very, very beautiful river for another half hour upstream to the marina, which even entering high season seemed well stocked with UK boats.
Small V pontoon was full, but HM found us a finger berth with no problems. The town is designated un petit cite de charactere ..which kind of means medieval, walled and full of artisan wares! That said, it is a quaint small village with a small but enthusiastic team in the Office de Tourism to help you about. It really is all rather pleasant up here.
Gavin May kindly provided the above report – 2021