Marina Gate times 2025 – TrebeurdenHORAIRES-2025-SPPT-SITE
1 June 2024. Please see for the latest information and the new procedure for entering and exiting marinas. It is good news and thank you to the French authorities and the ports and marina officials who worked so hard to introduce these new rules.
Trebeurden is many people’s favourite. It is a nice, well-run marina and the marina master speaks good English. It has excellent beaches and spectacular pink granite (like Grande Rocques in Guernsey and Ile de Brehats). There are many great places to eat.
There is a village up the hill but no large town or centre. Think of this as a beach resort.
Tidal access is good with the sill well below half tide; on neaps, you can gain at least 8 hours of access.
Gavin May report June 2024
For first timers:
This is a great place to visit with its fine views walks, cycle routes and beach. The Baker is a good 12 minute walk and a good supermarket another 5 or 7 minutes after that. The supermarket told me that they do not offer a delivery service to the marina.
From the east and between the Sept Isles, note the currents can speed up here and although there is ample room, wind over tide and post-storm swell can mean your thoughts may be torn between the rising sea state and your rising blood pressure. The sensible approach to the marina is to swing way around past the reefs, but I would suggest ample waypoints on the last approaches because visually it is not at all clear where the marina actually is! Once you pick up the channel buoys, head for the end of the breakwater and the sill is hard to starboard, but you do not see it until the last moment. Should you decide to hand your planning over to autorouting, it somehow takes you through the reefs. Should you have a reckless teenager aboard, that might be just the skipper for the occasion.
Fuel June 2024 , E 1.78. Fuel requires the HM and is open mornings and afternoons, so try VHF09 or pre-arrange at the office.
June 2024, and a few of the visitor fingers are missing, meaning there is slightly less space than usual. The new ones are up on the hard, so hopefully they will be in place before the season kicks off.
In high season,10 July, the two ladies in HM do still operate a free shuttle car service. Suggestion is you do book and they will take you up to about 20km which would take you to the supermarket, golf, train station and even Lannion.
Prebook the free electric bikes- you can reserve them for a half day.
Also, high season only, they do have some baguettes in the morning, first come, first served. They do not offer a pre-order system though.
Out of season, it is a healthy uphill walk to the supermarket.
Gavin May report June 2023
You will find small local boats rushing out through the not-officially open sill as soon as they can! On arrival, sub 11m boats are supposed to take the immediate very small fingers in front, but I might suggest 9 m might suit better! In addition, the sea comes pouring over the retaining wall, and early boats may well get swept alarming towards your pride and joy if you take one of the berths facing the sill.
The village market was maybe 20 stalls when we visited, and I believe the one in Tregastell is not large either.
Industrial-looking laundry machines if you need to plan a laundry day.
The marina has four decent e-bikes, but you may need to book them to be sure of getting one.
For a quick 15-minute stroll, walk around the hill at the far end of the marina, if only to see the Per de Trebeurden rock!
Head out beyond the BdP for a very decent though slightly hilly, walk along the coast. A local walking club spent 30 mins doing exercises before heading off! For a long walk, head out in that direction to the mouth of the Lannion River ( about 1.5 hours) and then after a km or so, you can pick up the towpath and walk another 2.5 hours into Lannion itself. It is a beautiful river, but make sure the tide is in unless you admire views of mud! You will enter Lannion by the Tourist Office and buses back to Trebeurden are maybe every 2hrs, take 20 minutes, cost Euro 1.25 (cash only) and start 150 metres away by the Biscuiterie shop, Line D.
A short walk in the Tregastel direction is too much along the road, but after 25 mins, you can walk on mainly duckboards through the marshes if you want a change from the coast. Admittedly, when we walked there, it seemed rather devoid of water!
A fine option is to borrow the marina bikes and cycle out to Ile Grande,15 mins away. Not that large, and the bridge making it an island still is perhaps shorter in length than your boat. However, it really does feel like an island offshore, and you will spend an enjoyable few hours peddling the lanes.
There looks fine walking there too.

Picture by

Picture overlooking area you need to come through to get to Trebeurden. Marina is to the left of the photo

Visitors pontoon is the first as you come in the marina (pontoon on the right) Note also very good fuelling facilities at the base of the wall, between the fishing boats and the visitors’ pontoon
The facilities are fine and clean but rather dated.
In late May there was no one berthed on the official outer G pontoon with the tiny bouncy fingers and HM seemed relaxed that we used the larger inner fingers.
This is a stunning location with the marina sheltered by the outlying reefs that gives a wonderful vista from ashore. You do need to swing a long way round before the channel opens up so it always seems a bit further from the east than it might appear on the chart. Heart pumping 10 min walk up the steep hill to the baker, tourist office and small village and another ten mins hike further up to a pretty good Intermarche if you need to stock up. No bus as reported somewhere from the port up to the town but buses from the tourist office to Lannion-great market on Thursdays, and to the towns northeast. Pleasant beach just across from the marina and a nice ten-minute stroll around the little headland with some bizarre rock formations. A true summer holiday spot, unspoilt and reminiscent perhaps of Cornwall some decades ago. A few beachside restaurants and bars, but don’t get your hopes up too high on quality.
Gavin May kindly provided the above report – 2021
Gavin’s report from 2022 – All much the same though BdPort has a few electric bikes that you can borrow, which certainly makes the trek to the supermarket a lot less strenuous! It is still a great spot to stop for a few days.…
Pilot Guide
If you leave around half tide going up, motorboats will have a good following tide all the way back to Guernsey.
Contact Information
Good reply received within 48 hours in English
Chart and aerial photography of the marina –
Tourist Information
At Pleumeur-Bodou there is a triple exhibition site.
The Brittany planetarium, with an English commentary on one day of the week, a telecommunications museum with up-to-date GPS etc and lots of English explanations and the Gaulois village.
2019 information
You can buy bread from the harbour office from 8am.
In August 2018, Neil reported there was a shuttle bus which was really useful. More like a large car. The report was “They have a ‘shuttle bus’ which is actually an estate car, and will take you and pick you up anywhere (within reason!). Lannion, tregastel etc..
Was free. The lady at the harbour office closes up and takes/collects you.
We went to Village Gaulois. Delivered and collected us. Also offered to take us to the supermarket if we wanted.
All staff were fantastically helpful.
On top of all that. The harbour man came down the pontoon and booked you in to save you going to the office. He had a card machine on him which made it all the easier. ”
Rental Car
The Harbourmaster very kindly sorted out a rental car for us. A person collected us and took us to Lannion in the rental car, where we did the paperwork etc. Worked very well and they were very professional and helpful but it was a 25min journey each way, so probably more practical if you want to hire a car for a number of days.
We have received some reports that the Electricity supply has reversed polarity (neutral is live). This may or may not be an issue or a safety issue for your boat. Please do check.
Intermarche about 15 minutes walk from the marina. Wednesday seems to be the closing day for everything else.
Has good reviews, although does not look so appealing from the outside.
** Crêperie des Iles: My French friends think this the best crêperie in Bretagne – I agree! Now enlarged with a variety of pizza, crepes and grills.
The Creperie des Iles still provides good food at good prices. (2018) Thanks Mark
Hotel Ti al Lannec – 4 start Hotel, Restaurant and Spa – For a special occasion – the Hotel Tial Lannec is great. Excellent food, ambience and posh service but expensive. Overlooks the bay. Tel 02 96 15 01 01 e-mail contact”at”, June 2016
Restaurants –…

The small shop which sells croissants and bread in the morning. Limited selection and opening hours but very convenient. May not be open outside of peak season (July and August)
Market day